Translation: “ A majority of celebrities prefer to amicably reach terms” says Neal Hersh who specializes in divorces among the famous. “That could be in with the help of a mediator rather than having the case dragged to court to be then decided by the judge”, he adds. “Another scenario involves the lawyers of the two sides working together to reach an agreement. This means is usually best for the careers of actors who wish to keep their dirty linen at home. No one is perfect and if certain unpleasant behaviors are disclosed, it could damage the reputation of individuals who are dependent on their image to make a living”. Hersh continues: “A divorce that is amicable involves co-parenting and a sharing of the roles of parents and it means to share responsibility in the decisions for their children,” says Hersh. “ In the case of actors it can be tricky because, for three months, one of the two may be far away, on the set of a movie. But we lawyers continue to assist them and help coordinate timeshare”.